Friday, January 22, 2010

Rush Limbaugh failed to check his facts before criticizing Cuba for not sending aid to Haiti

If Rush Limbaugh had checked his facts then he would have learned that, after the 1998 Hurricane George, Cuba has had a team of medical specialist working in Haiti. Prior to the quake there were 344  Cuban Doctors already in Cuba. The day after the quake, Cuba sent 60 more along with 10 tons of medical supplies. The Cuban Doctors have been applauded for their responsivness to the crisis.

The Belgian medical team allegedly abondoned 25 patients and took their medical supplies with them out of fear of rioters. They returned the next day with miltary escorts.

A team of 267 medical specialist from the US stayed at the airport for two days while they waited for Military escorts into the the city.

Limbaugh also said that  Haiti "Produces nothing and is totally dependent on foreign aid, and we've given enough."

Limbaugh should really check his facts before he rushes to judgement

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