Thursday, January 14, 2010

Trying to look like Average Joe, Scott Brown takes his gas guzzling truck on the road to meet the voters.

Or so he claims.

Well I can't really comment weather he actually did drive around talking to the regular people of Massachusetts. I live just a few miles from Brown and he never came to my neighborhood.

But I can't help but notice that in his ad, he tried to connect with the average Joe by driving around in his pickup truck. I find it demeaning that portraying himself  as a regular guy in a pickup truck is his way of connecting with the average voter.

The average voter in Massachusetts actually believes that Global Warming is real and that it has been caused by human driving gas guzzling pickup trucks.

I would have been much more impressed if he had portrayed himself driving around in a Prius, as if he actually cared about one of the most important issues of the day. But he has clearly stated that he is not sure that human activity has contributed to Global Warming, or that Global Warming itself is a reality.

To Mr. Brown I say this: Unless you are absolutley 100% certain that human activity has not contributed to Global Warming, how can you possibly not support efforts to reduce greenhouse gasses? How are you going to feel if you oppose actions to reduce greenhouse carbon emmissions and then twenty years down the road, the horrible consequences of climate change are causing political turmoil and dramatic ecomonic losses throughout the world?  Isn't it better to be safe than sorry? Can't you see the ecomonic opportunities that this presents?

But I understand why you hold this position. You hold this position because that is the official position of the Republican party and you don't want to rock the boat.

Please, Scott Brown, take your head out of the sand, acknowledge that Global Warming is real, roll up your sleeves and get to work to solve this problem before it become a disaster.

You can start by trading in your gas guzzling pickup truck for fuel efficient vehicle. If you were really listening to those people you met while driving around, then you'd know that this is what Massachusetts voters want. Listen to what they say, not to just want you want to hear.

And anyway, what do you need a truck for? Your a politician, not a carpenter! Set an example. When Arnold Swarzenegger got a Hummer, everyone wanted a Hummer. Show your leadership and buy a hybrid.

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